ASH TRACK App: A Mobile App for the Better Management of Fly Ash

ASH TRACK App: A Mobile App for the Better Management of Fly Ash
ASH TRACK App was introduced to manage to fly ash produced by thermal power plants in a better way. This App provides an association between users such as road contractors and fly ash producers such as Thermal Power Plants.
What’s happening?
Fly Ash is an unwanted unburnt residue produced by thermal power plants. It evacuates along with duct gases while burning coal. With the help of electrostatic precipitators, fly ash can be stored.
This substance is light in weight. It can cause groundwater pollution and air pollution. Therefore, the disposal of fly ash is essential. But, the removal requires large quantities of land, energy, and water.
The disposal of fly ash is even more complicated because it contains low-grade coal. It is said that Indian coal has more ash content than other countries’ coal.

The content of ash in Indian coal is 30-45 per cent. In a comparison of imported coal, ash content is 10-15 per cent (Central Electricity Authority, 2018). This shows that ash poses a great challenge to the Indian Government.
However, the government managed to beat this challenge. The Government introduced the ASH TRACK App for the better management of ash. This blog contains all the essential information related to the ASH TRACK App.
Some Facts About Fly Ash
- In 2017-18, India produced nearly 8.5 crore tonnes of fly ash.
- In a country like India, only 43.5% of thermal power stations showed Fly Ash Utilisation (FAU) of more than 90%.
- A central government notification was issued in 2009 with the target to achieve 100 per cent FAU in the country.
- Haryana is one of the three states that has gained its target of 100 per cent FAU. The other two states are Delhi and Rajasthan.
Background of ASH TRACK Apps
Union Minister of State (IC) for Power and New and Renewable Energy, Shri R.K Singh, introduced the ASH Track App on 9th February 2018 in New Delhi. This is an ASH TRACK mobile application that monitors the system.

It was introduced with the aim of perfect conduction of the ash produced by thermal power plants.
Highlights of the ASH TRACK App
- This app shows the results of coal-based power plants that are situated within a radius of 100km and 300 km.
- Users can install this app on Android as well as ioS.
- For the (allocation)-quota of ash, users can apply online. This app sent SMSes to the applicant. It also sent SMSes to the particular power plant right away.
- Users get complete information about ash availability and distance from their location. Users can take fly ash from their selected power station.
- The thermal plants need to update the utilization of fly ash, generation, and stock on the app regularly.
- This app deals with 200 million tonnes of fly ash. It tracks power plants that are based on coal within 100 km and 300 km from a particular location.
Use of Fly Ash
It is proven that fly ash can be used in various construction applications. The different use of fly ash is as follows:
- In the manufacturing of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC).
- In the building of industries.
- As a soil conditioner in agriculture.
- In the manufacturing of bricks, tiles, blocks, road embankment construction, low area development, etc.
There is a great demand for this app to manage the ash composed by power plants. Only 63% of the fly ash is being used currently but the target is 100%.
Features of the ASH TRACK App
The ASH TRACK App tracks coal power plants situated between 100 kilometres and 300 kilometres from a specified location and manages 200 million tonnes of fly ash. This app gives utilisation status on the basis of plant-wise, utility-wise, and state-wise in the country.
The thermal plants regularly update the generation of fly ash. It also updates about usage as well as stock on the app. This act of thermal plants helps in direct monitoring for increasing the utilisation of the ash. This way the environment could be saved from poisonous emissions.
The ASH TRACK App has the following features:
1. For Consumers
- Users can apply for online allocation of ash.
- The app instantly sends an SMS to the applicant and the concerned power plant.
- This App presents information about the power plants located within a radius of 100 kilometres and 300 kilometres from a given location.
- Users can select a power station as per their choice.
- Ash availability, details of the contact person, and distance from the user’s location will be displayed.
2. For Power Stations
- The app shows users’ perspectives regarding the power plants within a radius of 100km and 300km.
- Power stations can see the location of prospective ash users surrounding the power plant. This power plant includes cement plants, NHAI, brick producers, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) project, etc.
- Power plants can contact prospective users for an ash supply.
3. ASH Utilisation Data
- The App gives ash utilisation status. It gives plant-wise, utility-wise, and state-wise utilisation status in the country.
- It provides details of the generation and utilisation of ash.
Government Initiatives to Utilise Fly Ash
- Indian Government has introduced ASH TRACK to manage the fly ash composed of thermal power plants.
- The GST rate product of fly ash has been reduced to 5%.
- Ashpark has been developed to promote fly ash-based product manufacturing products.
- A fly ash awareness programme for utilisation has been conducted.
- CAE and NTPC conduct workshops as well as video conferences. They use web pages for the updation of data.

How to Use an ASH TRACK App?
The users can install the ASH TRACK App on their Android and iOS. The process for both OS is given here:
- Visit Play Store/ App Store. Search ASHCONNECT App.
- Install this app.
- Now open ASHCONNECT from your menu.
- Press the Register button.
- Write your First Name, Last Name and DOB (Date of Birth).
- Click on the User Agreement.