Farmers demand to put down GST percentage on pesticides under 5 percent

Farmers demand to put down GST percentage on pesticides under 5 percent
Now GST percentage on pesticides comes under 18% GST slab. Now farmers and the department of chemical and petrochemical demand that GST Slab must come under 5% of GST slab. All heads of the department rhea to the finance ministry for this issue. Because pesticides and fertilizers always play an important role in agriculture. Pesticides and fertilizer prevent crops from various pests. And this is directly probational to the increase in crops. Till today fertilizers come under 5%of GST slab and pesticides comes under 18% of the GST slab. To remove this all senior members place a petition in the court to decrease the GST slab of pesticides.
According to that petition, the recent report reaches parliament. After that farmers, the head of the chemical and petrochemical department placed a demand for quick action against this thing. They all are ready to make a separate community regarding this agenda. These things are on behalf of a poor farmer so that all farmers are able to use and increase their crop production. A committee said that all things are already mentioned in the report which was submitted in the high court. Complete responsibility is taken by the department of chemical and petrochemical to bring down the GST slab of pesticides.
GST percentage
According to the survey approx 90,000 rupees crops are wasted every year due to pests and disease. This is the main reason behind creating a committee on this serious issue. After that farmers get a lot of benefits and able to grow more crops than every time or every session.
With the help of our sources, the research that there is a proposal already raised by the finance ministry to reduce the tariffs on pesticides. The pesticides Manufacture and formulators Association of India come with the farmers and join this community. In today’s stage 5% of the GST slab is defined on seeds and fertilizers.