What is Seva Bhoj Yojna?

What is Seva Bhoj Yojna?
The Ministry of Culture introduces a Central scheme called, SEVA BHOJ YOJNA. The scheme will be applicable within the national jurisdiction of India.
This Yojna will assist charitable religious institutions. Further, it will reduce the financial burden on them. On 1.8.2018, this scheme came into force with a total expenditure of Rs. 325 crores. It is from the financial year of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
Under the Scheme of ‘Seva Bhoj Yojna’, the CGST and Central Government’s share of IGST will be reimbursed. Whereas, the CGST stands for central goods and service tax. The IGST stands for integrated goods and service tax. It will be paid to the buyers of specific raw food items to distribute free food to the public. The scheme will work as financial help from the Government of India.
Type of activities supported under the scheme
- To provide free food/ Langer.
- To provide Bhandara to devotees/ public.
- The activity is offered by religious or charitable institutions.
- It includes Gurdwara, Dharmic ashram, Dargah, etc.
- The financial help will be provided on the basis of first-come-first-serve registration. Further, it will depend on funds available in the financial year.
Quantum of assistance
The compensation will be provided in the form of financial help. It is for the institution that has paid GST on all raw food items. Some of the raw foods are listed below:
- Edible oil
- Ghee
- Rice
- Sugar, Jaggery, or Burra
- Pulses
- Atta/ Maida/Rava
Criteria for financial assistance
- A society/Public Trust covered under the provision.
- A company or institution covered under the provision.
- While these are under the provision of section 10 (23BBA) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
- The company registered with the aim of religious charity under the provision.
- Whereas, the provision is under section 12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
- A company registered under the provision of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. It can be registered under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956.
- Public Trust registered for religious and charitable goals. It can be under any law for the time being in force.
- A society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It is for religious and charitable objectives.
- The application from public trust/ society.
- The application from the company or any institution.
- They must be involved in religious & charitable activities.
- The applicant must distribute free of cost food/ Prasad. It also includes Langar/Bhandara to the people.
- The registration of religion and charitable trust.
- It includes temples, Gurdwara, churches, & other public worship places.
- The society or institution that distributes free Langer/ Prasad or food. It should be accomplished to at least 5000 people. Only they can apply for the scheme.
- Financial help will not be given to some institutions. Hence, these institutions will not be in receipt of central or state government.
- Under this scheme, there will be institutions/companies blacklisted under the provision of FCRA. They will not be eligible for financial help.
Procedure for enrollment
Under this Scheme, there will be one-time enrollment. It is for an eligible charitable religious institution. The ministry of culture will enroll the institution. It is for a time ending with the finance commission period.
Afterwards, the ministry can review or renew the enrollment. It will depend upon the institution’s performance.
The religious institution will register itself. Then they will generate a unique ID through the Darpan portal of NITI AAYOG. Thereafter, the institution will enroll itself on the MOC website. It will be through the CMS portal. In the end, the institution will apply online. Thus, will submit the documents listed below:
Copy of legal registration certificate. It will be as per the provision given in para (6)- i & ii.
- Copy of association article of the institution
- Copy of association memorandum of the institution.
- Copy of charter of activities of the institution.
- Copy of verified account for last three years.
- If there is an annual report, copies of the report for the last three years.
- List of governing bodies or office bearers of the institution.
- Name, contact details and email id of the authorized signatory. He will be the one who will sign all the documents.
- Self- certificate of Institution. It will state the distribution of free food. It is for at least the past three years.
- From the day of application, the institution must provide free food to 5000 people in a month.
- Certificate of Institute from the district magistrate. It will state involvement in charitable activities.
- The institution/ organization’s PAN/TAN number.
- List of locations where the institution has distributed food.
- In the previous year, the number of persons served free food by an institution.
- Bank authorization letter as per defined format.
In the end, the institution will be examined by the committee. It is for those who have submitted supporting documents online.
At last, you are ready to serve under SEVA BHOJ YOJNA.