What is Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme for Women?

What is Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme for Women?
Commonly, it is seen that the women section of the society does not get any advantage. These advantages are related to controlling or accessing the available resources. This problem is precisely faced by illiterate and semi-educated women in rural and urban areas. Even today the problem remains as it is, and they are facing it.
Apart from training and counseling, the most serious issue is credit pose availability for poor women. In an effort to relieve their problems, the Government of India took the initiative to launch a scheme. The scheme is called the “TREAD” scheme. The TREAD stands for “Trade-Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development”.
What is the main goal of the TREAD scheme?
The aim of the TREAD scheme is to empower women economically. It will be by the development of their entrepreneurship skills in the non-farm activity. However, these activities are in relation to trades, products and services. The poor women face difficulty while accessing credit. So through NGOs, the credit is made available to them. Besides this, the NGO will provide training and counseling to poor women.
As the poor women face difficulty in accessing credit, so, through NGOs’ the credit will be available to them. But only those NGOs will get the fund that works responsibly. Besides this, the NGO will provide training and counseling to poor women.
What are the salient features of the TREAD scheme?
The salient features of the TREAD scheme are mentioned below:
The Government of India provides up to 30% of the project total cost. The 70% remaining estimate of the project is set by the institution of finance. The poor women get credit access through this scheme. It is for the one who faces difficulty in getting credit from different banks. It can be because of the requirements or strict guidelines to provide security.
The Government gives aid through NGOs pledges in helping poor women to earn any kind of income in the non-farm sector. The provided credit will include any expenses incurred on the monitoring system. It will also include training of the workers.
The companies mentioned below provide Training and counseling. Along with this, they also contribute the least 25% of the cost. They are:
- NGO’s
- EDI’s (Entrepreneurship development institute)
The institutions mentioned above will design the parts of the scheme. It includes:
Modules for training
Evaluation studies
Field survey, and,
Studies of research.
What are the suitability criteria for NGOs under this scheme?
- The NGOs must be a legal entity with the registration for a minimum of 3 years.
- They must have experience of saving and thrift programs in the company of Self-Help Groups(SHGs).
- The NGOs must employ in revenue generation activities for women businesses.
- Those NGOs are eligible who have a basic framework and qualified staff for support. They should also undertake micro-enterprise development services for women.
- The NGO’s must have prior experience in the preparation of project proposals. It will be on the behalf of women SHGs/ women entrepreneurs.
What are the documents needed by the NGOs for submission?
The NGO’s will submit the following list of documents which is given below. It includes:
1. Identity proof: The NGO can submit any of the below-specified documents as identity proof-
PAN card
Aadhaar card
Driving license
Voter ID card
The last 3 years account of the audit.
2. Address proof: The NGO can submit any of the below-specified records as address proof-
Aadhaar card
Utility bill
Property tax bill
3. Work experience: If the NGO has any document related to prior work experience, then it must be present for further discussion.
4. Funding source: The NGO will submit its origin of funding under this project.
What is the process to be pursued by the NGO while applying for the scheme?
The MSME signifies the “MICRO, Small, and Medium Enterprises Institute”. Through this institute, the applicant will apply for the scheme. The applicant will follow the following procedure:
- He/ she will visit the nearby MSME institute.
- Submit the application form with details and appropriate documents.
They have to then present the application form with details and appropriate papers.
- The papers should be self-certified by the applicant.
In the end, the processed request gets handled by the official concerned person.
What is the grant assistance for NGOs building capacities?
- To provide operating staff with training expenses on a reducing scale.
- To give help on expenses for managing and monitoring the system of operation.
- To apply charges on legal documents.
- To record auditors fees for the audit credit program.
- To give help to establish new SHGs.
- To provide consultancy, network input & common training for the browsers (members). It can be related to marketing, packaging, designing, etc.
What are the grant assistance that will be used by NGOs for the ultimate borrowers?
- Credit usage training, management of credit, and basic practice of accounting.
- Training of skills and intake of a professional consultant.
- Margin/ equity money distribution for framework formation/ acquisition.
- Trips of expenses to victorious micro-credit programs.
- If there is any loan record, then there will be charges on legal papers.
- Training and legal consultancy expenses for building borrowers’ institutions.
- To take part in a public show and other events of trade.